22 May 2009

That other Friday
This must mean it's PAYDAY! Splurge on yourself!

This Monday, May 25th
May 25th is Memorial Day, a holiday. No transit service, and our offices will be closed.

Update on office repainting
Our offices are still being painted/carpeted/tiled, and this work has been extended through at least Wednesday of next week.

Some highlights of week #2 include --
84 applies a first coat to the poles. Unfortunately, this simple act guaranteed rain this day, lots of it.

Our intrepid 83 supplies us with tunes during lunch. Very nice!
Another surprise visit!
First it was 63 popping to say hello. Then good ol' 68 came rolling in on his bike and found us all having our lunch. He filled us in on his latest adventures. Thanks for stopping by!
Hard worker 87 took on the task of repairing a broken desk, and did a great job!
All I can say is, they waste no opportunity ... (and he's going to be a CDL driver)
Time for another caption, I think. Add a caption to this photo in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. I know who's stockings those are!!!!
