03 September 2009

Wow! Some important stuff


Time cards are due absolutely no later than 8:00 am Friday, 04 September 2009. It is necessary to turn them in by this time in order to facilitate processing due to the Monday holiday upcoming. Those whose time cards have not been received in the office by 8:00 am Friday will not be paid for the current pay period until later.

Open Enrollment

There are some FTEs who have not yet completed the online enrollment benefits package. The deadline to complete this is Friday 04 September 2009. Failing to complete the benefits package will result in a loss of coverage. Reenrollment is required by all FTEs this year. Don't miss out!

From the HR website:
Enroll online.
To enroll in your benefits, log in to LOUIE using the link above and select Self Service > Benefits > Benefits Enrollment. An enrollment summary page will show your current coverage options and will show ‘no coverage’ or ‘waive’ for the new plan year.

Driver schedule posted

Friday, 04 September 2009
Click on image to enlarge.

Into the groove
88 says she LOOOVES driving a bus.

Route blues
Record enrollment means the University is scrambling not only for housing for its residents but also for classroom space. The library is maxxed out with classes there all day long. The bulging at the seams is evident with every class change when traffic at several intersections on campus gridlocks with pedestrians and bikes. Transit then isn't quite as "rapid" as we'd like.

01 September 2009

Driveway closure

The extension of San Francisco street that becomes the east driveway up to the barn is going to be closed soon for two weeks due to construction.

The closure is indicated by the huge red 'x' on the map below.

50 says that our access to the bus barn will be the west driveway as indicated by the yellow arrows on the map below.

Under no circumstances, says 50, will the Skydome bus stop be missed, and our route will be as follows by yellow arrows on the map below.

Click on the image below to enlarge (sorry about the extra white space):