Andrea 64 (left) has driven with us since 2002, probably longer than any prior student employee (this is my guess). She served as a very able night-shift leader in the latter half of her tenure with us. Her plans now are to finish her last year of undergraduate education.
Amber 65 (right, above) drove with us awhile back, took a bit of time off, then returned as a full-timer. She too has decided to place a greater emphasis in terms of time on her studies.
Word is that one or both of them may continue to drive for us on a part-time, student basis.
Dakoda 67 held a party after graduation ceremonies were over in honor of Andrea and Amber at the American Legion hall. Hamburgers, hotdogs, brats, potato salad and cake were enjoyed by a dozen or so friends, and karaoke went well into the night. (Thanks Dakoda!)
We wish Amber and Andrea the very best as they drive off into the sunset (so to speak)!
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