Hi everyone! In lieu of Pete being on vacation, I, 63, get to post about our awesome 4th of July bus! The parade went off without a hitch, mostly. Due to technical difficulties, we got to carry the band on our bus. 
Yay! The NAU fight song, Louie Louie, Hey Baby, and more were played with gusto for the crowd. Thanks NAU band members for a great job. Special thanks goes out to 91 for driving the parade bus, sadly the camera was acting up so I don't have visual proof but he got his work out keeping a watchful eye on those crazy kids in the crowd, the walkers in front of us, and waving too! Good job 91, you rock! We didn't have many riders this year, so I encourage everyone to get ready for next year. Its a load of fun! Better than sitting out in the hot sun. Also, special thanks to everyone who worked on decorating the bus. (80, 91, etc.) You all did such a great job and everyone was impressed at how great it looked! Have a good summer for all of you who are off, and for those of you who aren't we have some fun painting projects among all the other great stuff we get to do this summer!

W O W !!
Great job everyone! Looks like lots of fun!
91, thanks for driving! It's a great responsibility you did well, considering all the little kids around.
And 63, hats off to you for managing, directing and otherwise making sure the entire parade (being one of the lead floats that we were) was everything the crowds who traveled from miles away expected. THANKS!!
:( wish I could have been there! Hey I have a website for you, but you have to check about a third of the way down the page :) enjoy
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