17 May 2010

First BBQ of the Year!

(90) getting his Ketchup fix of the day
unable to describe this picture in fear of sounding inappropriate

(65) getting some yummy grub

The start of a pretty amazing maneuver

Bus 13 started in our neighbors bus bay so our brilliant MCT boys devised a plan to move the bus from one bay to another without leaving the bus barn.

(124) was the helpful spotter who kept bus 13 from destroying the entire bus barn structure

(91) and (124) enjoying their sweeeeet victory!!

(88) brilliantly dodges another photo!

(90)'s beautiful face is finally a part of the slack adjuster...... doesn't he seem so happy about if??Another picture that may be deemed inappropriate if commented on....

(65) ends the BBQ taking a fun short break from her new found authority


61 said...

Regarding the bus 13 maneuver, bumper to mirror 41 feet. Maneuver room inside the barn, 42 feet 4 inches. Our guys got skillz ...

Miss J said...

I must say how come all the "inappropriate" captions would go with 124?